Michelle, a turkey health professional, ensures the health of baby chicks inside of a JENNIE-O® associated barn.

Our History

More than 75 years in the turkey industry


13 year old Kendra Crotteau smiles next to a young brown-haired, brown-eyed girl stands in a blue fleece sweater and yellow scarf.

Trip of a Lifetime

This Project SPAMMY® employee engagement trip is a dream come true for Jennie-O corporate purchasing manager Keri Crotteau and her family.

A hard hat worker stands within a factory, video calling with another individual, signaling something.

Cooperation Beyond Words

Jennie-O discovered a remarkable opportunity when they brought members of the deaf community into their workforce.

A smiling Jennie-O worker faces the camera while wearing full protective gear within a factor.

Our Company

Our history, mission and ongoing commitment to innovation make Jennie-O Turkey Store what we are today— a recognized name in turkey products worldwide.

Dr. Krom and her team make their rounds to ensure the health of the baby turkeys, poults.

Raising a Healthy Turkey

Dr. Michelle Kromm works with veterinarians, nutritionists and flock supervisors who visit Jennie-O farms on a weekly basis to make sure those birds stay healthy.